Welcome to Biology Department!
Welcome to the BS Biology Program! In behalf of the faculty members of the Natural Science Department, we would like to extend our warmest greetings to our evaluators.
The Bachelor of Science in Biology with specialization in Plant Biology program commenced its offering in the Academic Year 2014-2015 in Pangasinan State University, Lingayen Campus. This program is under the Natural Science Department. It is a four-year degree program that is focused on understanding plant biology as a fundamental element of understanding the plant from structural and functional perspectives.
The BS Biology program aims to equip students with domain knowledge and technical skills about plants and plant-related resources in a holistic manner. It aims to train the students in major areas of plant sciences with a unique combination of tools, fundamental and specialized courses with significant interdisciplinary components from general education, mandatory and institutionalized courses. Students have exposure to technologies currently used in the program. They are made aware of social and environmental issues and acquire a practical understanding of the significant contribution of plants and plant-related resources to the national economy.
Furthermore, this program is also considered an excellent choice for students who want to pursue a degree in Medicine or join various industries and is structured to meet the needs of a professional biologist who can be employed in government / private institutions and other agencies where biological expertise is needed.
Hence, we, the faculty members of the program ensure that quality education is always attained at its best. Likewise, your comments and suggestions for today’s accreditation will greatly contribute to improving our program to produce highly competent graduates capable of meeting the needs of the industry and other agencies nationally and internationally. Finally, your commitment to help us will greatly improve in delivering quality services.

The BS Biology with specialization in Plant Biology program is a four-year thesis program that provides thorough foundation in the biological sciences and comprehensive study in plants. It aims to develop skills and attitudes for a culture of science and research among students. It is designed to provide students the opportunity to integrate, interpret, and translate biological phenomena and environmental observations, and then, use these information to make meaningful decisions.
- Researcher in private and public health agencies, government institutions (DENR,BFAR,DOST)
- Curator Natural History Museum
- Zoo keeper
- Secondary school teacher (with additional courses in education and passing the Licensure Exam for Teachers)
- College or university educator
- Pharmaceutical / Product Sales Representative
- Laboratory assistant, custodian in clinics, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, biotech and chemical companies
- Nature conservation officer
- Science writer and Scientific journalist
The BS Biology program is structured as a generalized framework of study with the end view of grounding students with the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of the biological, natural and physical sciences and the conduct of research. This includes the acquisition of appropriate skills, and training in the efficient processing and presentation of information in both written and oral form.
The BS Biology program is structured to meet the needs of professional biologists who:
- can be employed in government/ private institutions and other agencies where scientists with biological expertise are needed.
- can engage in entrepreneurial activities.
- conduct research in the various areas of biology.
- undertake post graduate education in Biology and allied fields.
- pursue a career in teaching.
- Internalize the significance and value of his /her own existence and discerns life choices with a keen awareness of ethical dilemmas and considerations.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- Proposes ways to address pressing social and ecological problems using appropriate critical approaches and scientific methodologies.
- Develops a critical and moral imagination that is responsive to global realities and challenges, but also deeply rooted in local histories, conditions, norms and institutions.
- Communicate knowledge and apply understanding of basic biological principles both in writing and in oral presentation by using (1) discipline specific language, (2) standard organization around a central message, (3) science supporting material, and (4) a coherent and succinct delivery.
- Apply principles of atomic and molecular structure to biologically relevant physical and chemical properties and chemical reactivity of biomolecules through completion of three courses of chemical biology and biophysics.
- Develop an in-depth understanding of the different fundamental and specialized branches of Botany such as Ecology, Physiology, Systematics, Developmental Biology, Microbiology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Survewy, Mapping and Plant GIS, Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Taxonomy, among others.
- Utilize techniques/procedures related to plant research work in laboratory or field setting such as biodiversity assessment, GIS mapping, ethnobotanical surveys, plant tissue culture, plant breeding and biotechnology techniques, among others.
- Execute laboratory and field experiments related to basic biological studies and specialized subjects in Botany using the scientific method.
- Apply basic mathematical and bioinformatics tools and databases in the application of statistics to biological data.
Organizational Chart