PSU lingayen Campus conducted Extension Program at Sitio Mapita, Aguilar, Pangasinan on April 23, 2022. The said program was all about food processing; preparing squash puto and squash patty. Extension Team B shared their expertise to help locals.
Farming is the main source of living of Mapita locals. Some of their crops are rice, bell pepper, cucumber, Baguio beans, cabbage, tomato, corn and squash. They sell their crops in Aguilar market.
Squash is reach in vitamin A and C and beta carotene. Squash is good for the eyesight, good for the heart, good for regulating blood sugar, good for skin and many more. There are lot of creative kalsbasa dish that we can serve to our kids and family. They can serve not only to their family but they can use the product for business.
The program was started with a prayer lead by the chieftainโs representative. Mr. Randel the master of the ceremony welcomes everyone in the program. Ms. Sonia Mangrobang presented the extension team to the participants.
Participants were inspired by the opening message given by Ms. Presely Castro the representative from NCIP. She said that preparing healthy food can help locals to ensure the health of their family. After the message of Ms. Presely, Dr. Randy Soriano the PSU LC Extension coordinator also gives his message. Extension objectives was stated by Ms. Noemi.
After all of the messages, demonstration proper started. Ms. Elizabeth A. Valencerina discussed the nutritive value of squash then after the discussion, she demonstrated how to prepare squash puto. When Ms. Elizabeth is done with the demonstration the participants also prepared squash puto.
After the squash puto Ms. Noemi Orlanda discussed about squash patties. During the demonstration Ms. Noemi said that locals can use local ingredients that are available in their area. Patricians also prepare squash patty.
After the training the locals were happy and satisfied for the training. One of the participants said that the training was good and she learned a lot. They were thankful for the training.