Welcome to SW Department!
Social Work practice started with the concept of helping through giving material things to people who are in need. It is also motivated by religious philosophies of compassion and self-sacrifice and the innate human nature of involvement with other human beings.
Through the years, social work profession evolved and becomes a scientific discipline and a practice based profession that requires training and a license.
The demand for the profession is on its peak nowadays due to existence of distressful situations which aggravates social roles, relationships, functioning and development.
We need registered social workers (RSW) more than ever. A worker who is others-oriented, considerate and compassionate to do what social work is all about.
We train our students as catalysts of change to contribute in sustainable development…
We invite qualified aspirants to join us to become beacons of hope…
We encourage the public to do what we do!

Bachelor of Science in Social Work is a four year degree program designed to provide students with the knowledge in social work profession (with its areas namely human behavior and social environment; social welfare policies, programs and services; and social work practice). It is a government-regulated profession through a licensure examination.
It prepares students to understand the person’s bio-psycho-social aspect, the social environment a person is living in with its complexities such as social relationships, social problems, theories of development, policies being translated into programs and services, etc.
Students are trained to help individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities using the helping process. Students should know how to collect and process different kinds of information to come up with a psychosocial diagnosis that will help in the planning and implementation of interventions to uplift said clientele groups’ social functioning.
Finally, students are trained to practice the profession with the belief and adherence to the values and philosophies. They are expected to be critical thinkers, others-oriented, considerate and loving. Having all said, the profession is a beacon of hope in these distressful times.
- Case manager
- Group worker
- Social Work Counselor
- Community Organizer
- Researcher in Social Welfare agencies
- Policy / Legislative advocacy Officer
- LGU Social Welfare and Development Officer
- Social Agency Manager
- Program/Project development Officer
- Trainor
- Teacher
These are the Social Work Program objectives as stipulated in the CHED Memorandum No. 39 series of 2107:
- Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and attitudes in engaging in a generalist helping process and planned change process for therapeutic, protective, preventive, and transformative purposes.
- Analyze critically the origin, development, and purposes of social work in the Philippines.
- Critique the impacts of global and national socio-structural inadequacies, discrimination, and oppression on quality of life.
- Apply knowledge of human behavior and social environment with emphasis on the person-in-situation dynamic for social work assessment and intervention
- Critique social welfare policies, programs, and services of the locality, country and /or region in terms of relevance, responsiveness, accessibility and availability to target populations.
- Engage in advocacy work to promote socioeconomic and cultural rights and well-being.
- Generate resources for networking and partnership development.
- Identify with the social work profession and conduct oneself in accordance with social work values and ethical principles.
- Engage in social work practices that promote diversity and difference in client systems.
- Use supervision to develop critical self-reflective practice for personal and professional growth.
- Produce a portfolio of recordings, case studies and other social work documentation to reflect the quality and progress of practice.
Organizational Chart