OUT OF 15 curricular programs in Lingayen Campus, 14 had already undergone Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Survey Visit, marking a near complete program accreditation.
“The goal of the institution is to subject all of the programs to accreditation to provide assurance in meeting the quality standards set by the AACCUP,” said by Dr. Lorna G. Urbiztondo, Executive Director.
Said accreditation which is akin to an academic seal of approval, is viewed as an integral part of the higher education systems more particularly among state colleges and universities in attaining quality education.
For past years, the campus is branded for having higher accreditation status: seven Level III, three Level II, two Level I, two Preliminary Survey Visit and one candidate (Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education program which came from BSE programs).
“To be granted with higher accreditation level, it means a lot. It serves as a lend prestige to Lingayen Campus ensuring that students and other stakeholders receive what they deserve,” Dr. Urbiztondo added.
The Campus Executive Director emphasized that accreditation is not just meeting the standards but also learning the strengths and weaknesses of the evaluated programs— assessing areas and competencies that need improvement.
BSND, BSSW and BTVTEd await conferment

To add up with the program accreditation status, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics (BSND), Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW) and Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education (BTVTEd) are now awaiting results after subjecting to AACCUP Virtual Survey Visit last August 16-20.
The three programs ended their five-day online evaluation with positive outlook after bringing their ‘a game’ in the new normal scheme of accreditation presenting all necessary documents and evidences thru website linked to google drive.
During the exit conference, AACCUP accreditors led by Dr. Renelda P. Nacianceno, commended the campus for its undeterred spirit in pursuing virtual survey visit even in time of pandemic.
The online accreditation is more challenging in terms of digitization and securing of documents. Unlike the usual documentation, the local counterparts prepared scanned copies of evidences for ten AACCUP areas: Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives; Faculty; Curriculum and Instruction; Support to Students; Research; Extension and Community Involvement; Library; Physical Plant and Facilities; Laboratories; and Administration.