On November 27, 2022, the Junior Social Workers’ Association of the Philippines (JSWAP-PSU) Chapter held a limited face-to-face to the three different places to join the celebration of the National Children’s Month with the theme “New Normal na Walang Iwanan: Karapatan ng Bawat Bata Ating Tutukan.” also, it is broadcasted via Zoom knowledge of children’s rights, empower the children as rights-holders to claim and protect their rights, and equip the duty-bearers to deliver their commitment and fulfill their obligations to protect children. Additionally, to intensify public awareness of the parents, partnered organizations, public officials, and advocates about the Republic Act 10661, the National Children’s Month (NCM) in the Philippines every November, commemorates the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20, 1989. To identify the current issues that the children face while dealing with the current pandemic. A huge challenge has been placed on the developmental environment of children because of COVID-19. Having to stay at home 24/7 exposes them to distressing situations within the family and instead of spending more time with friends, they devote more time online or playing electronic games. Likewise, unborn children have primary rights. To survive, they must be provided with a safe environment – medical attention and care at all stages of their life, including during pregnancy, after birth, and throughout their childhood. A child’s basic needs should include a balanced diet; clothing; decent shelter where they feel safe and are not subjected to violence, neglect, or abuse; healthcare; and protection from dangers, accidents, and elder abuse.
In connection to this the celebration kicks off with a Story Telling narrative from the bible, Baby Moses delivered by Hannah Albania, and a Discussion of Children’s Rights by Kisha De Guzman and Jhonric Rayos third-year students The JSWAP partnered with Barangay Libsong Officials, Manaoag Christian Children’s Home Incorporation (MCCHI), and World Vision to celebrate the event. The participants are this said activity composed of 101 Social Work Students and 7 instructors on an online platform while in the Manaoag Christian Children’s Home Inc. (MCCHI) attended by 16 children and 5 parents, through the partnership of World Vision and JSWAP-PSU they gathered in Dimantal, Hacienda, Bugallon, Pangasinan is afar Sitio in Bugallon with 22 children and lastly with the support of the Barangay Captain of Libsong more or less 45 children, 13 parents and 5 barangay officials have participated the limited face-to-face activity. After the narration, children had traditional games that they enjoyed and felt entertained. When the children unveiled their genuine happiness. At the end of the program, tokens are given to the children, and certificates of appreciation are given to partner organizations.
The NCM reminds us that children are our bridge to the future. They must be raised well so that when they leave the family, they can live a better life. They must attend school. A sufficient supply of books and learning materials should be provided. Most importantly, a child should be able to play and enjoy their youth. Under the cotton candy surface of childhood, when most things are sweet, there are some realities to face. The layers of innocence that peel away can be painful and their lives are harshly impacted. “The third National Plan of Action for Children’s goals to gradually achieve children’s rights will serve as the foundation for the celebration, which will build on the successes of previous NCM celebrations, and No Children shall be left behind,” Joseph Barrera JSWAP Adviser said.