QUALITY IS AT HEART. The Accrediting Agency for Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP) Inc. commended the Pangasinan State University Lingayen Campus after undertaking virtual survey visit this October 12-16.
“Your commitment is loud and clear,” Dr. Melanie R. Albarracin, AACCUP Team Leader for Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT), said in her general impression in front of the campus officials and area chairpersons during the exit conference held at Dr. Telesforo N. Boquiren Convention Hall on the last day.
She added that amidst the current challenges brought about by the pandemic, the campus still continues its pledge to elevate curricular standards after subjecting BSIT and other two programs namely, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, for online accreditation.
Aside from Dr. Albarracin, present also to give their impressions via zoom meeting were Dr. Milabel E. Ho, ACCUP Executive Director; Dr. Nemia M. Galang, Team Leader for BSCS; Dr. Ronald M. Ramirez, Team Leader for BSHM; and Dr. Charlotte B. Carandang, member.
“We see a lot of best practices, and programs’ achievements and accomplishments, that perhaps, we can also apply to our respective institutions,” Dr. Ramirez said as he commended the organized presentation of digitized documents in line with the paperless assessment.
During the week-long survey visit, various mechanisms like virtual tour, on-site visit via zoom, online interview and document verification were employed as alternate to the face-to-face evaluation to further the process of accreditation.
In the end, the accreditors congratulated the Lingayen Campus for showing unstoppable dedication and spirit towards continuous evaluation and improvement to strengthen curricular programs.
“This quality journey that we embody is now our natural habitat. We live for it. And we nurture every member to become one with us. Because this is the emblem of a PSUnian- the quality is always at heart,” Dr. Julio M. Cervantes, Dean of College of Computing Sciences, said.
Moreover, Dr. Lorna G. Urbiztondo, Campus Executive Director, saluted all the hardworking faculty members which she called as “LGU team” for sharing their expertise in the quest towards quality.
After the three programs, the campus is eyeing to go for Level III-Phase I Accreditation for Bachelor of Public Administration and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration programs on November 16-20.